Welcome to the LlamaServer!

26th March 2024: Huge apologies that the LlamaServer has been down for about 11 days! I hadn't actually noticed for about 9 of those days until someone finally emailed me.

I am considering winding the LlamaServer down. It has been running for 18 years(!), but I am not sure there is much of a need for it any more. I haven't upgraded it to Dominions 6 and no-one has written to ask me to do so, so it seems to me that probably the need is covered by Discord bots and other solutions. If I am wrong about this, please email me to let me know!

Assuming no change in plan, I anticipate turning it off at the end of June, to give any current games time to come to a conclusion.

As an aside, the LlamaServer has had a huge and very positive effect on my life. It was great fun to develop in the first place, and the skills it gave me allowed me to set up a business later (completely unrelated to Dominions but involving lots of automation) which was quite transformative. Everyone connected to Dominions and the LlamaServer has been lovely - so, thanks to everyone!

The LlamaServer seems to be having difficulty reaching its mail server at the moment. Fear not. Games won't host until it is fixed.
Guidance on creating a new game (read this first)

Create a new Dominions 5 game
Create a new Dominions 4 game
Create a new Dominions 3 game

Games waiting for pretenders:

Games currently running:

Last updated at 08:12 GMT on Wednesday August 14th.
Current time: 22:31 GMT

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